Pavlova (a gluten-free dessert)

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Pavlova is a gluten-free, light, and airy dessert. The only drawback is you will keep eating, and it’s hard to resist. The outside has a crust, and the inside is gooey like a marshmallow. Follow all the tips and tricks to make this delicious dessert and impress everyone this Eid or Valentine’s.


Ingredients for Pavlova

Egg whites
Egg whites are the key ingredients for this recipe. Separate egg whites from egg yolks and there should be no traces of yolk, or achieving stiff peaks for meringue will be impossible. It’s easier to separate egg whites from yolks when eggs are still cold.

Cornstarch gives the outer side a crust, don’t skip it. In some parts of the world, it’s called corn flour. When adding cornstarch to the whipped egg whites, fold it gently and just enough to mix everything. Over-mixing will remove air from the meringue.

Vanilla Extract and Lemon Juice
Some recipes have wine vinegar, but I like to use lemon juice. Use an alcohol-free variety of vanilla extract if you prefer to use no alcohol in the dessert.

Whipped Cream
I used 1.5 cups of heavy whipping cream mixed with 2 tbsp of powdered sugar in this recipe. Use a stand mixer to whip the cream until it’s soft and spreadable.

Baking Time
Pavlova is baked slowly at 225°F for 1 hour and 15 minutes and then left in the oven for another 30 minutes for the inside to set.

How to store pavlova?

Pavlova can be made ahead of time and stored in a cabinet with low humidity, lightly wrapped in plastic wrap. Top it with heavy cream and fresh fruit just before serving. Once you add toppings and whipped cream, eat it within a few hours as it will get soggy.

More Desserts



Pavlova is made with egg whites and sugar to make a meringue, baked, and then topped with whipped heavy cream. This dessert is very creamy and soft, almost like a marshmallow and the best part is you can pair it with any fruit of your choice.
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American, Australian, Newzeland
Keyword: Pavlova
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Resting Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours
Servings: 8
Author: Saba


  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cornstarch or corn flour


  • 1.5 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 10 strawberries or any other fruit of your choice


  • Preheat your oven to 225°F.
  • With the help of a plate or a bowl draw an 8-inch circle on the parchment paper.

Make the Meringue

  • Separate the egg whites and egg yolks. You only need egg whites for this recipe.
  • Add egg whites into a stand mixer and blend them using a whisk attachment for 2 minutes.
  • Once they become milky, add 1 cup of regular sugar and keep mixing for another 10 minutes on high speed or until stiff peaks form.
  • Now add 2 tsp of cornstarch, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and 1 tsp of vanilla extract and fold gently. Don't over-mix the batter as it tends to lose air.
  • Transfer the meringue to the paper in the form of a circle. Use a spatula to make a dent in the middle of the circle.
  • Now bake it right away at 225°F for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  • After 1 hour and 15 minutes, turn off the oven but leave the pavlova for 30 minutes in the hot oven to set.
  • Let it cool completely before adding any toppings or removing parchment paper.
  • Add heavy cream and 2 tbsp of powdered sugar in a stand mixer. Mix it until soft peaks form or it's thick enough to spread.
  • Transfer the pavlova to the serving tray, and top it with whipped cream and strawberries.



  1. Use a little bit of the meringue on the corners of the baking tray to stick the parchment paper to the tray.
  2. Do not flatten the meringue too much as it will spread while baking.
  3. You can use any seasonal fruit such as mango, blueberries, or raspberries.
  4. If you like to double the recipe make sure you have oven space to bake it right away.
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