Dahi Boondi Raita (Potatoes and Yogurt Dip)

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My dear friend extended a gracious invitation for dinner, and to my delight, she mentioned that dahi boondi raita would be on the menu. Despite my love for this dish, I had never attempted to make it myself. However, my dear mother came to the rescue by sending me three generous packs of boondi all the way from Pakistan. The moment I received this thoughtful gift, excitement filled my heart as I envisioned trying out this beloved recipe.

As I embarked on the culinary journey, I realized that creating dahi boondi raita was surprisingly straightforward. The process unfolded effortlessly, and as I savored the delightful result, I was filled with a profound sense of accomplishment and happiness. This experience not only allowed me to indulge in a cherished dish but also deepened my connection to cherished memories and traditions.

What is Dahi Boondi Raita

Ingredients for Raita

Peel and dice potatoes and then add to a saucepan and fill the pan with cold water up to the point when all the potatoes are dipped in it. Now boil the potatoes until they are fork-tender, then peel and dice them into small cubes.

Regular or Greek yogurt can be used for this recipe. Opt for a slightly sour yogurt for the best flavor. If the yogurt is too thick, simply add water or milk to achieve the desired consistency.

Green chili paste
To prepare the green chili paste, simply add green chilies to a blender or food processor and pulse until a smooth paste forms. I prefer to make the paste ahead of time and freeze it in small cubes for convenient use. When needed, just defrost a cube in the microwave for 10 seconds.

Red onion has a slightly subtle taste and I like to use it in raita. It also adds to the color of the dish. Thinly slice onions with the help of a peeler and set it aside to use later.

I like to add thinly sliced cabbage as well, but it is entirely your choice. You can use it or omit it.

Cut tomatoes the same shape you like to cut your onions and cabbage. I like to have more tomatoes and onions in my raita. Fresh veggies are good for the crunch and texture.

Green Chutney
To make the green chutney, add 1 green chili, 1/2 cup of cilantro, and 1/4 cup of mint in the blender along with 2 tbsp of water. once it is blended, add some salt, and the green chutney is ready.

How to serve Dahi Boondi Raita

It is a side dish that goes well with pulao, biryani, and even as a side with any desi meal. You can make it in advance and keep it in the fridge for up to 2 days. Don’t add fresh veggies if you plan to make it in advance. You can cut veggies and store them in a separate container. Mix them before serving to keep them crunchy.

How to store Dahi Boondi Raita

You have the option to prepare it ahead of time and refrigerate it for up to 2 days. If you are planning to prepare it in advance, it’s advisable not to include fresh vegetables initially. Instead, you can prepare and store the vegetables separately, mixing them in just before serving to maintain their crunchiness. This dish is based on yogurt, and I advise against storing it for more than 2 days.

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Dahi Bondi Raita (potato and yogurt)

Dahi Boondi Raita (Potato and Yogurt Dip)

Dahi Boondi Raita is a perfect side dish to serve alongside any kind of pulao. You can also enjoy it as an appetizer or a snack.
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Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Indian, Pakistani
Keyword: Dahi Boondi Raita, Potato and Yogurt Dip, Raita
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4
Calories: 5kcal
Author: Saba


  • 16 oz Yogurt
  • 1 medium Potato
  • 1 cup Bondi
  • 1/2 tsp Salt or to taste
  • 1 tbsp Green chili paste or to taste
  • 1 cup Milk or water to get the right consistency or more
  • 1 small Red onion thinly sliced
  • 1 Tomato thinly diced
  • 1/2 cup Cabbage thinly sliced
  • Green chutney to serve


Boil Potatoes

  • Boil potatoes until they are fork-tender. Peel and cut them into small cubes.

Soak Boondi

  • Add 1 cup of Boondi in a bowl, Add very warm water. Soak for five minutes and then squeeze all of the water out by gently pressing boondi between your palms.

Mix Everything

  • In a bowl add yogurt, green chili paste, and salt. Mix everything. Add about a cup of water or milk to get a thinner consistency.
  • Now add sliced onions, tomatoes and cabbage, boiled potatoes and boondi. Mix and enjoy.



Calories: 5kcal
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